Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Thing #13 - Online Applications - Zoho Test Writing

I just created accounts with Zoho Writer and Google Docs.  Wow - this is great!!  It is much better that Microsoft Word!  I think this will put Microsoft Office out of business and when people discover how to use this tool they will prefer using Zoho Writer instead.  You still have pretty much the same options as Word but it appears that you  can do so much more with this.  wink

It appears to be very user friendly and as I navigate through the options I don't seem to be having any trouble knowing how to use the various tools on Zoho.  This is very neat and I like it allot.


Well when I did this Zoho Test writing I was playing with background colors. I chose yellow gold and I used black print on Zoho but when I published it to my Blog you can barely see the words. "Sorry about that Chief" - Maxwell Smart/Get Smart

Also, where it says wink and smile is where I had inserted the little emotion faces and for some reason when I published to my Blog the showed up in print.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Phil : Thanks for using Zoho!

About the font/background color & smiley issues, it most probably is due to the mismatch with the styles defined for your blogger template. I've seen the font colors & emoticons come out well with other blogger templates. We will analyze this further at our end though.

Do try the other Zoho services.
