Monday, July 7, 2008

Thing #19 - Other Social Networks

View my page on 23 Thingsters

OK - I have pasted the 23 Thingster Membership Badge on this post. I have uploaded a picture of our family under the photo tab on the MISD 23 Thingster site, and I have sent messages to Kelli Parmenter, Amanda Snyder, and my wife Angie. I have also created a playlist of fav's previously on my Blog.

I am now a member of Facebook, Ning 23 Thingster, and before I ever started this class I was/am a member of a social network message board which is a daily blog and it is for Texas high school basketball coaches at

The TBC site was my very first membership on a daily blog message board. It's allot of fun and I can communicate with coaches all over the state of Texas. Now I can set up an educators network with Ning if I choose to do that, and I can stay in touch with people of my choice on Facebook.

All very interesting tools and each has a unique purpose.

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