Monday, July 7, 2008

Thing #20 - Video & Audio sites/YouTube

Michael Jordans top 10 greatest highlight video clips/SpaceJam - "I Believe I can Fly" - take your pick: Since I'm a basketball coach and MJ is the greatest player to ever play the game, I thought it would be interesting to share this clip on my blog. I think YouTube is "greatness"! You can have so much fun with it and I think it's success is well documented and speaks for itself. You can do a search for any topic or subject and find almost any category you are looking for.

As for school or library use, I believe that students can use YouTube as a tool for classroom assignments or projects by preparing a curriculum based or content related video clip to share with the entire class. See ictbailey's blog - she posted the video clip that our son Cole uploaded onto YouTube for a Science project on the Everglades in Florida at The University of North Texas.

YouTube is "GREATNESS"! There are allot of worthless, fruitless videos on it but there are also allot of fun, interesting, and often educational clips. We have viewed many useful, informative educational video clips throughout this course, 23 Things.

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